Hey Hey!

Links to Inspire...and prepare you for Summer | halfbakedharvest.com

First off, Happy Mother’s Day to all the great Moms out there. Hope your family’s are treating you to something special!

Today instead of a recipe or a Chaos ‘n’ Sprinkles type post I want to share a few links that have really inspired me, and or are getting me pumped for summer. I used to be so scared by Pinterest. It just overwhelmed me and pretty much every time I spent even ten  minutes pinning stuff, I left feeling like everyone in the world was better than me, at like every thing. But recently I have been pinning like crazy and loving it. The are some seriously talented and  inspiring people, and Pinterest is now motivating me instead of bringing me down. It’s kind of an awesome thing. So here are handful of pins that I loved this last week.


These flowers.

This photo. Reminds me of being a kid in summertime. FYI, summers were the best time ever as a kid.

This beyond gorgeous cake. SO incredible.

This scene. So pretty, so peaceful.

I will be making this salad all summer long.

I could dine like this and be so happy. This is my dining dream.

OR I would totally take this too. I mean, this is dining in paradise.

This kitchen is adorable.

Everything from this entire board. If I could somehow include all these pins into the barn I would be so happy.